Ball grinding mill is an ore grinding machine with very wide application. To perfect the ore powder grinding mill system, it is necessary to carry efficient technical reform on ball making machine to ensure the stable operation of the relevant industries. The technical reform of ball mill grinder can be carried out from the following aspect.
Traditional barite grinding mill can no longer satisfy the development need of ore grinding equipment system in the current stage. To ensure the perfection of the ore grinding system, customers can choose drum feeder, ensure effective reform of its internal structure, promote effective adjustment of the installation angle, ensure the control of the distance between classifiers and ball making machine to satisfy the actual need. The installation of automatic sand returning mechanism can ensure the stable operation of the screw separation machine as well as feeder machine.
To improve the comprehensive utilization interest of powder grinding mill, customers should control its grinding efficiency, optimize such links of discharging device and lining board, efficiently install coarse powder separator to ensure the perfection of the preparation work for grinding, ensure the efficient application of tertiary crusher to effectively control the granularity of materials that are sent to the milling equipment.
Effectively controlling the width of grate bar can make sure it conforms to the development need of closed-circuit fine grinding process and can also actively control the flow velocity of materials and improve the grinding efficiency of the powder grinding mill.
Efficiently control the water content of materials fed into the mill can help to actively control the output of the milling equipment and its stable operation of daily work. In this process, we should also deepen the grinding process and promote stable operation of ring-flow link and open-circuit link and ensure the efficient control of the ring-flow output.
Efficiently control the gradation and loading capacity of grinding balls can ensure the stability and rationality of filling coefficient of ball making equipment and ensure the active control of the filling ratio. According to the loading capacity of grinding balls, a ball grinder should be equipped with high-power motor.
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